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Corn harvester _ mountain corn harvester overhaul and maintenance methods

Corn harvester _ mountain corn harvester after downtime and repair needs to know what parts to replace, what gap to adjust, which bolt fastening, to know a lot what parts to lubrication. Pointed, maintenance, can avoid the failure of the leak and repair the leakage, to save time, effort, timely maintenance, more use of corn harvester _ mountain corn harvester "3 packets" time, fault or damaged parts within the scope of services, manufacturers can enjoy the free repair and replacement free of charge.

Corn harvester _ mountain corn harvester overhaul maintenance methods:

1, to clean clean combine internal and external, internal straw, to clean up debris, preventing rust parts after moisture absorption, also can avoid rat bite damage belt and power lines.

2, in accordance with the requirements for all manual annotation note oil, beat the butter at ordinary times maintain lubrication of the bearing and the moving parts work inspection and lubrication condition, bad parts need to adjust or change, and to add the lubricating oil in accordance with the specifications.

3, check the corn harvester _ mountain corn harvester all pulley, sprocket, tension wheel and the use of belts, conveyor belt, chain and working condition. Cannot be used to replace, temporary inconvenience to replace to tabulation, easy to change in the future.

4, check all the fastening bolts, especially the moving parts of fastening bolt fastening. Individual special bolts can't replace with ordinary bolts, in loss, fill a vacancy, tighten state up to standards.

5, check the corn harvester _ mountain corn harvester all parts and operating device of flexible, adjustable locking and in good condition, so that it is back to normal.

6, check the sealing parts of the sealing condition, properly solve the oil leakage, water, air and food.

7, the condition of maintenance and repair vehicle circuit, sealed to remove the battery after the harvester, properly kept, so as to avoid scrapping.

8, according to the conventional overhaul engine, oil change, oil filter, sealed after corn harvester _ mountain corn harvester should put clean water tank, the body and the oil cooler in cooling water.

9, when necessary to replace the gearbox, rear axle gear oil and hydraulic oil.

10, providing necessary spray paint and oil protection, prevent rust.

11, put in storage after corn harvester with appropriate wood _ mountain cushion flat the corn harvester, combine with wood frame four corners pad, four tires deflated, appropriate to reduce the tire pressure.